1/72 scale AtlanticWall

  • 72-001 Regelbau 612
    72-001 Regelbau 612
    € 22,50
  • 72-002 Regelbau 672
    72-002 Regelbau 672

    1\72 Ceramic model of an Geschutzunterstellraum I

    number of parts:

    ∙ 2 parts of ceramic

    doors not included

    € 17,50
  • 72-004 Panzerabwehrmauern type 2
  • Tobruk 58C
    Tobruk 58C
    € 6,75
  • Höckerstrassensperre mit 5 T Träger
    Höckerstrassensperre mit 5 T Träger

    1/72 scale model of a Westwall Höckerstrassensperre mit 5 T Träger

    Whats in the box ;

    ∙ A diorama basis size 14 cm x 11 cm.
    ∙ Two walls for the Strassensperre
    ∙ 5 pieces of plastic for the beams.

    € 15,50
  • 72-013 SK Flak
    72-013 SK Flak

    1/72 scale model of a Sonder Konstruktion Flak bunker. In this bunker there is a crew accommodation for a 5 man occupation. This AA bunker is suitable for a 2 cm Flak or a 3.7 cm Flak.

    This set consists of 10 ceramic parts, ( 2…

    € 29,95
  • 72-085 Belgian gate
    72-085 Belgian gate

    Resin model.
    content of kit: 3 Cointet elements

    A Cointet element, also known as a Belgian gate or C element, was a heavy steel gate approximately 3 meters wide and 2 meters high mounted on rollers. It was named after the French…

    € 24,95
  • 72-086 Hemmkurven
    72-086 Hemmkurven

    72-086 Hemmkurven 6pcs

    € 18,50
  • 72-091 Dutch G-Kazemat
    72-091 Dutch G-Kazemat

    1/72 scale model of a Dutch G-Kazemat.

    Ceramic bunker
    Cast iron dome with MG (​6 resin parts)

    € 15,50
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